It's easy to feel despair when our children get dysregulated by their emotions and sensory overload. It can be so frustrating as a parent to watch your child or teen be a perfectionist, aggressive, controlling, or mean, all in an attempt to manage very difficult feelings that can be related to sensory dysregulation and learning challenges.
Let’s put our heads together and figure out what the triggers are that make them so anxious and aggressive and teach them to regulate their own sensory and emotional overload, change their behavior, and build self-esteem. Let’s work together so they learn to wait, ask for help, and recognize what feels overwhelming.
I can help if your child:
Is experiencing physical symptoms (eating issues or being hyperactive) due to underlying distress
Is anxious, aggressive, or struggles to regulate their emotions
Is school, sleep, or homework avoidant
Is highly sensitive, bullied, or has trouble making friends
Has a new sibling at home or is experiencing sibling difficulties
Has trouble with perfectionism
Has been to therapy before, but it hasn’t been effective
Is defiant, bossy, and doesn't listen to direction from adults
It’s really hard to know how to parent when a child is struggling. Many parents feel embarrassed to admit there is a problem that they can't fix and feel isolated and like a bad parent. You are not alone. So many people struggle with what to do. I can help you understand what is happening and help you to be the effective parent you want to be.
Is your teen:
Aggressive, defiant, underachieving, or refusing to go to school?
Struggling socially, bullying others, or being bullied?
Struggling to navigate getting into college?
Experiencing trouble navigating romantic relationships, friendships, or sex?
Having gender dysphoria or is part of the LGBT community?
Using drugs, alcohol, or risky behaviors to cope?
Keeping secrets from you?
Overeating, dieting, or over-exercising?
Returning home from a hospital or residential treatment?
Pulling away from you despite being previously communicative?
If your teenager is acting in ways that make you feel helpless, scared, overwhelmed, and alone, please know that you are not alone. These are the hardest years for you and your teenager to live through. Neither you nor your teenager should have to navigate all of this on your own.
Therapy can help your teenager live up to their potential academically, socially, and emotionally. When emotional strength and self-esteem are realized, symptoms will abate and your teenager will be restored to you. They will seek out healthy friendships and activities and feel ready to launch.
What to expect
When I meet with a child or teen who is struggling, I meet with the parents and then with the child a few times so I can talk and/or play with them to understand the situation from their perspective.
Often play therapy helps children to be able to identify feelings and communicate them to you. If they know how they feel, they can manage their emotions rather than behave impulsively, get into trouble, compromise their self-esteem, making them hard on themselves and sad.
Together, we will understand your child’s behaviors, what gets under your skin and why, and figure out the best way to help your child and improve your relationship and family harmony.
Our children have internal conflicts that have nothing to do with us. However, the way we help them work these conflicts out can set them on the right path.
You might think that these issues will work themselves out on their own in time.
Some issues don't go away on their own. Sometimes, just a brief conversation with me can help you better guide your parenting. Sometimes your teen will benefit from some counseling sessions. I have been working with teens for over 30 years. I use humor and compassion in helping them feel understood. Act now while you still have a hand in your teenager’s future. I promise they will secretly thank you now and openly thank you later.
For information on Aftercare please click here.