Hi! I'm Sheri
About Sheri Perlman, OT, LCSW
My experience treating adults, teens, and children by helping them become their best selves has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. With over 30 years of experience as a psychotherapist and a background in occupational therapy and sensory integration, I specialize in treating intergenerational trauma, learning differences, parenting complicated children, and relationships. It’s also important to me to integrate neurobiology and how it affects social, emotional, and behavioral life. My approach is compassionate and my goal is to provide a warm, safe, nurturing experience where curiosity and growth create healing through therapy. My private practice is in Westchester County, NY and I also offer virtual telehealth therapy sessions.
My treatment style is eclectic and customized to the person I am working with. Types of treatment I use include:
Psychodynamic work and/or psychoanalysis
Cognitive-behavioral work (CBT)
EMDR for trauma
Meditation and journeying (using active imagination to heal trauma, illness, and reset the nervous system)
Alternative energy work (such as reiki)
Washington University School of Occupational Therapy
New York University MSW
Institute for Psychoanalytic Training and Research (adult psychotherapy)
Institute for Child, Adolescent, and Family Studies
Certification in Hypnosis
Certification in EMDR
CFS membership
WCSPP affiliate
Training in Meditation, Mindfulness, Journeying, Alternative Healing, and Certified Reiki Master
Areas of Expertise: Adults, Teens and Children
Individual Adult and Teen Psychotherapy
Highly sensitive person
Depression and anxiety
Intergenerational Trauma, Inner Conflict, and a Higher Level of Care:
Counseling/analysis more than once a week if a higher level of care while living at home is needed
Aftercare with Teens and Adults
Learning Differences:
Self-esteem, depression, anxiety, social and behavioral struggles in highly sensitive people. Learning differences include:
Sensory Processing and Language Delays
Dyslexia/Language-Based Learning Disability
ADD/ADHD/Executive Functioning Issues
Nonverbal Learning Disorders
Spectrum Disorders
Parenting Throughout the Life Cycle:
Parenting Your Child, Teen, and Young Adult Child
Life Transitions
Parent-Child Relationships, Adult Sibling Relationships, and Reunification
Marital Relationships (Individual Counseling)
Friendships and Romantic Relationships​
I have tried therapy before.
Why will this experience be different?
I am an experienced psychotherapist who will provide you with a level of care you may feel has been lacking in prior therapeutic relationships. In addition to my training and decades of practice, I will place special value on the relationship I have with you. You can feel confident that you are putting yourself in capable hands.
What should I expect?
When we meet, we will gently explore what keeps you feeling frustrated, anxious, helpless, and in pain. We will determine what challenges are in the way of your getting what you wish for and develop the best plan to overcome these obstacles for the short term and for the trajectory of your life.
Let’s take an inner journey to self-awareness and fulfillment.
Speaking Events
Highly sensitive people, fight/flight/fright, and emotional regulation
Launching our Young Adults in the Workforce according to their strengths
The Profound Effect Parent Work has on our relationship with our Children
Building Self-Esteem In Your Child of Any Age
Understanding and Parenting Children with Sensory Processing Disorders
Parenting Children and Teenagers with and without Learning Differences
Managing Emotions, Fears, and Anxieties
Talking to Your Teen About Drugs, Alcohol, Sex, and Death
Understanding Your Child’s Perplexing Behaviors and How to Manage Them
TV Appearance on The Richard French Show speaking about teens and sex.
Parenting Effectively and Calmly: You’ve Got This!
Understanding and Parenting Your Teenager
Nutrition and Emotional Eating
Somatic Complaints: The Body and Emotional Connection
"Ms. Perlman is a compassionate, thoughtful, and highly competent psychotherapist. She is a sophisticated thinker, and has extensive training. Ms. Perlman comes with decades of experience working with adults, teens and children. She has a unique ability to integrate many modalities into a useful, individualized, and effective treatment. Under her care, patients find reprieve from their suffering, become more capable to navigate life with prose and confidence, and develop an increased capacity for introspection and self-awareness. Perhaps, what stands out most is her deep compassion and devotion to each person she works with. Ms. Perlman readily goes above and beyond her professional responsibilities and is present for each of her patients with remarkable warmth."
Shia Bochner, Ph.D.
“Sheri is addicted to learning, growing, creating, and helping. She is the trifecta:
1) She is one of the best and most effective therapists that I know.
2) She speaks the language of ASD/ADHD/sensory/learning disabilities - her focus is one of supporting parents and kids therapeutically to help them deal with the emotional/psychological impact of the neurological issues and resultant trauma.
3) She has life experience."
- Jane Brown, Psy.D. Licenced Psychologist and Neuropsychologist